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how to look nonbinary

Nonbinary people have all kinds of bodies, styles, and looks. There is no right or wrong way to look as a nonbinary person. On the one hand this is supremely liberating, but on the other it leaves you wondering whether anyone will be able to look at you and see you for who you are. The mantra that “gender presentation is not gender identity” is true, they are different things but presentation is a big part of how we communicate identity. The problem is that the tools of gender presentation were not made for us. We can eschew masculine and feminine signifiers in pursuit of androgyny or smash them together in genderfuckery but even those can and will be misread. We need to make our own signifiers which can, for those who are willing, override the other gender signifiers that we use to judge how to talk about and conceptualize others based on their appearance and presentation. I have made my own attempt at creating such signifiers but I will happily adopt and promote any other signifier that gains enough popularity to offer a chance at being correctly gendered by strangers. If anyone knows of any such signifier please let me know!